Chinese Castle – Chinese Dragon

When an artist decides to introduce some “variety” to their artwork, it is tempting to play with both the background, and the “key ingredients” of the foreground.  Within this Fantasy Land, do I detect – the most “subtle of plays” (and a risky one at that):

In this Chinese Fantasy Land - a Dragon and his Castle!

In this Chinese Fantasy Land – a Dragon and his Castle!

First:  let’s break this Fantasy Scene into two layers.  On the first layer, do I find the Chinese Dragon, and it’s foremost Castle/Temple.  On the other layer, do I find the remaining Castles/Temples and the Mountainous Rock.  Second:  let’s look at those two layers.  On the first layer, do I find that a two-point perspective has been used – to generate the lines of the dominant Castle/Temple.  Whilst on the second layer, do I find the presence of (at least) another two-point perspective; which has also be used – to form the “basic shapes“, of the remaining Castles/Temples.  So what!  You may say.  I shall give you a clue 🙂  I said “at least a two-point perspective”, because it’s also possible, that that’s a three-point perspective (on the second layer); as the “upwards” of the remaining Castles/Temples, also appears to converge to a third point.  Third:  let’s look at those two layers, when their “taken together”.  If you have not realised by now, then the first layer (the foreground) and the second layer (the background), both use different Vanishing Points – and hence, perspectives!  This can be risky within a single piece of Artwork, as the artist can quickly “unbalance their scene”.  It is here, that I feel that the height of the Dragon, has been used to great effect 🙂  The Dragon’s height is really a “pivot”, as it splits the fore and aft layers into two – “masking the magic”, of the two different sets of Vanishing Points.  In doing so, does it help to accomplish an amazing feat – no “pull on your eyes” (as you would expect, from two set’s of Vanishing Points).  If we now look at the artists’s use of colours:  then I feel, that the green of the Dragon, matches the green of the Trees/Moss.  Perhaps there’s a connection here?  I also feel, that the whites of the Light, matches the highlights on the side of the Castles/Temples (as you would expect).  And yet here, do I find a twist – for that same Light, also gives rise to the Heat of this Dragon’s mouth.  Perhaps this Dragon, is about to Breath Fire?

Magical Castle – Snow Castle

Whilst a Fantasy Castle can be magical all by itself, I find that such castles – become “even more” magical, when they are combined with a Magical Landscape:

Snow Castle - Christmas Castle

Snow Castle – Christmas Castle

In this case, the artist has chosen Ice and Snow 🙂  Now, I feel that this castle, has a “Christmas Look” to it – which is reflected, in it’s clever use of “warm lighting”.  I feel as though, I’d want to spend Christmas in this castle!  Especially as the background, is suggestive of a snow storm.  For me, it seems as though this castle, is more of a Palace.  The shape of it’s windows, and the spiral of it’s towers – all play “right into” this idea 🙂  I’m impressed by the amount of detail, that’s present within this artwork.  Both upon the castle, and upon the background’s Forest, plus Mountains.  The castle is in the light, where as the background is in the dark – which in turn, gives rise to a suitable level of contrast.  It’s hard to escape the detail of this castle.  There’s countless windows (with arches and the impression of stained glass), together with details on the brickwork (near the entrance) which is in stark contrast, to the “flatness” of the remaining towers.  I also feel, that this artwork is a good example of the “box model” – as it’s the basis for the castle.  You can clearly see, that this castle has had it’s details added over – “simple shapes”.  I also find, that this castle is (at least) a two-point perspective; which is most noticeable, upon the large white “blocks”.  In contrast with this, do we find the “windy road” – which I suspect, with it’s lanterns, is more than suitable for a Prince’s Ball!